Gosh, if we have to wait 4 years for our baby, then I had better find something else to update this blog about, otherwise I am going to lose all my loyal readership - both of you.
So I will tell you about my au-pair instead. At the recommendation of a friend (Jo, over at
Horizontal Hostess), a few months ago I decided to look into getting an au-pair. This is really common in Europe but almost unheard of here. The idea is that you have a young woman (or man) live with you, and for room, board & pocket money, they help with light housework and child care. I was really struggling to get the kids ready and off to school on time when I was trying to get to work myself, and I was finding that I would get home in the evening and I have to clean up the breakfast dishes before I could even think about starting dinner. Then I had to make sure the kids had done their homework, emptied their bags, showered etc. I felt that I was spending my life yelling at the children instead of having any fun with them.
But then along came Lucie. Lucie moved in with us last Wednesday. She is from the Czech Republic - gorgeous, smart, friendly & helpful. Already the children are arguing over who carries Lucie's handbag from the car. Lucie is here to study for 6 months, and is working as an au-pair to pay her living expenses. She starts Uni on Monday, and I think I might get to start having a life.
So if you have a couple of kids and a spare bedroom, maybe you should consider getting a bit of help also - you don't have to do it all on your own. (Of course, some of you may have husbands who love housework - don't tell me about it - you will only upset me.)
Here's where I met Lucie.