Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I made a natty little spreadsheet today. You enter in the most recent date allocated, and the date allocated prior to that, and it works out how long it is until our LID, then calculates - based on that rate of allocations and the days between referrals - what date we will receive our allocation.

So apparently we will see our next child on 31 July 2026.


Fionn said...

2026?? Oh, tell me you are joking about that?!

Barry said...

You can bring it to see me in the nursing home.

Fattyboombas said...

Oh that is a long long time. Maybe you should foster too in the meantime?

Sandie Elsom said...

Unfortunately, I am not joking. However the calculation only takes into account the current rate of allocations. Hopefully they will speed up...