A helpful reader sent me a link to e-petitions, which I forwarded to the organising committee and thus:
"Hi All
We need your help in signing this e-petition (see the link below) in order to rectify a wrong in Qld with the increase of intercountry adoption fees. We would very much appreciate your help in our quest to have these fees kept in line with CPI (2.5%) and not as a cost recovery exercise by the government.
Once again the Queensland government is making it difficult for couples wishing to adopt from overseas. They are proposing to increase the fees paid to Adoption Qld by 250% to over $5000.00. Below are a few reasons for our concerns
Local adoption costs $500 - intercountry over $5000.00 because the Qld government say they have no responsibility to overseas children or families wanting to adopt from overseas.
This increase is pure cost recovery - there will be no increase in service or post adoption services put in place for our adopted children
No other government department does this kind of cost recovery.
They state this increase won't affect families as adoption is expensive anyway. Some families will not be able to adopt as it is getting too expensive.
Why are we being discriminated against???
Below is a link to an e-petition we have set up with the help of Pat Purcell. If you have not already signed a paper copy of the petition that has been circulating in recent weeks, please follow the link below and these 5 easy steps:
Yes - you want to sign petition
accept conditions
write down number -continue
fill in details including number from previous page
http://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/view/EPetitions_qld/CurrentEPetition.aspx?PetNum=885Thank you for taking the time to do this if you have already signed a paper petition on this issue please do not sign the e-petition
Thank you for your help & if anyone on your email list would like to help please pass it on – the more signatures we can collect the more convincing will be our protest!
Please feel free to circulate this to anyone --- anywhere in Australia.
Many thanks
Mark & Sharon
President & Vice President
IAFQ Committee"
You have to be a voter in Queensland to be able to sign this petition. Please send onto anyone you know who you think may be supportive.